34. Mariana's friend

Pedro: Let me help you(1) with those bags, Mariana
Mariana: Oh, take this one, with the soft drinks. This is heavier than that(2) 
Where did you rent(3) those movies?
Mariana: I rented them at a video store(4) on the north side of the town. It was cheaper than(5) that one in our neighborhood
Julia: Oh, yes. I think it is the cheapest(6) video store in town
Mariana’s friend: Oh, I can’t believe it!(7) Mariana! What are you doing here?
Mariana: It’s so nice to see you!(8)
Mariana’s friend: I didn’t know you moved(9) from São Paulo
Mariana: live(10) here now
Mariana’s friend: No way!(11) me too! We have to go out together(12). What’s your phone number? I’m going to call you every day. I’m new in town and I need somebody to show me around(13), ok?
Mariana: This is Julia, and this is Pedro. They are my friends.
Pedro: Nice to meet you
Mariana’s friend: Nice to meet you too. I have to go. I got(14) your number. I’m going to call you, OK?
Mariana: OK, bye!
Pedro: So, who was that man?
Mariana: Just a friend from São Paulo
Julia: He’s very good-looking(15)
Pedro: I think he is the ugliest man in the whole world(16)
Julia: It looks like(17) somebody is jealous(18)
Mariana: Don’t worry(19) Pedro. I think you are more good-looking than him

 Let me help you = Deixe-me ajudar você
 2. This is heavier than that = Esta é mais pesada do que aquela
3. Rent = 
4. Video store = 
5. Cheaper than = 
mais barato do que 
6. The cheapest = o(a) mais barato(a)
7. I can’t believe it! = 
Não consigo acreditar!
 It’s so nice to see you! = Prazer em vê-lo!
 9. Moved = Mudou-se
10. Live = 
morar, viver
11. No way! = 
“tá brincando!”
 12. Go out together = sair juntos
13. Show me around = 
Mostrar-me os arredores
14. Got = 
peguei, anotei
15. Good-looking
  = bonito
 16. The ugliest man in the whole world = O homem mais feio de todo o mundo
17. It looks like = 
parece que
18. Jealous = 
com ciúmes
19. Don’t worry =
 não se preocupe